16 August 2015

How to Be a Morning Person {Back to School Series}

Hey everyone! As I know as well as anyone, getting up for school in the morning is hard. Being at school three hours before your typical summer wake-up schedule is never an enjoyable experience. For me, having to get out of bed at 6 a.m. is not one of my favorite school year memories. But, with a few simple tricks you can gradually become a morning person {or at least, less of a I-hate-mornings-more-than-homework person}. 
Hope you find my tips & tricks helpful this school year!

 1.) Make your bed super comfy. Personally, I love fluffy pillows and a soft duvet {no sheets for me!}, but set up your bed however you like to ensure you get a great night's sleep.
 2.) Watching Gossip Girl until 2 a.m. sounds great to me, but it's unreasonable. The harsh light from electronics alert your brain, making it much harder to unwind and actually fall asleep. Put away the phone & computer at least a half-hour before you hit the hay.
 3.) If you're the type to find distractions in order to stay awake, try a night mask to block light and stop possible interruptions from keeping you up.
 4.) Use technology to your advantage. Set an alarm {or three if you have to}, and/or try out an app such as Sleep Better. You set your alarm, pick the ringtone, and select any of the six provided options that are given to that may affect your sleep. In the morning, select your mood, if you had good/bad dreams, and see how well you slept!

 3.) In all honesty, caffeine is my lifesaver. A cup of hot coffee is my morning go-to, but you could also try caffeinated tea, hot chocolate, or even orange juice.
5.) In my opinion, being cozy is the best way to get a good night's rest. Some fuzzy socks and cute pj's keep you toasty warm and cute! Set your room's temperature to 68 degrees {Fahrenheit} and snuggle up in bed.
As a general rule, the cooler it is the better you'll sleep. {Not cold, but cool.} 
6.) When you wake up think three happy thoughts. For example:
1.) Today is an amazing day!
2.) I am thankful for my family.
3.) I love Mondays! {That's a lie, but fake it til ya make it, right?}

Hope you enjoyed these tips & tricks to get your day off to the right start!

1 comment:

  1. I have school tomorrow and not looking forward to waking up! Hope you have a wonderful First Day!
